Burn Notice Season 03 Episode 15 "Good Intentions" was first aired last February 25, 2010 and below are the spy tips and tactics:
* If someone calls a meeting in a deserted location, they want control. They can tell if you're alone and if you try anything, it's easy to take you out with a sniper. So if someone wants a chat in the middle of nowhere, it never hurts to bring a sniper of your own.
* Fighting two against one is never ideal but there are ways to even the odds. Jam your opponents into a corner and they won't have the room to use both arms. It's like fighting one person with two angry heads which makes them easier to engage and easier to disengage.
* It's never fun being used as a diversion but it is an effective way to get the drop on an enemy with superior numbers and firepower. And it's all about making a clean getaway. If you can't do that, it never hurts to be in an armored car.
* Operate in the field long enough and you'll find yourself getting tested by very dangerous people. The more immediate and unexpected the test, the more likely they're up to serious trouble and the more likely they'll kill you if you don't pass.
* Matching holograms and color-shifting inks, altering a page in a modern passport is virtually impossible. So if all the pages are full and you have to adjust someone's travel in a hurry, it's better just to swap out the page entirely. It's as easy as pulling out the stitching on a cheap T-shirt. You just need the skill to put it back together.
* There's no saying "I'm sorry" in the field. So if it feels like a gamble's about to come up short, you put on a smile and try to get your hands on a weapon without anyone noticing.
* As a covert operative, you learn that not every locked door leads to the secret you're looking for. You may be searching for a hostage, but find something just as important -like what your target is obsessed with, like what your target loves.
* The hardest thing to do when an operation goes bad is nothing at all. It's pure torture. But if it's the only way to give a team member a chance at survival, you have no choice but to stand by and watch.
* Anyone with a little tradecraft knows spilling a drink on yourself is a common excuse to leave a table. To convince a pro it's truly an accident then, you have to sell it with more than iced tea.
* Planting a surveillance device inside an existing item is all about working with what you have. If the battery necessary to power a bug is too big, you can't use it. A tracker with a ping system, on the other hand, can send your location in bursts and doesn't suck a lot of power, making a terrific accessory for any lady on the go.
* Like con men, spies know that in the workplace, a clipboard is as good as a skeleton key.
* Restaurant kitchens have grease fires all the time. A little oil on a burner, and you can clear out a restaurant without raising too much suspicion or causing too much damage.
* The most careful bad guys don't just watch for tails and wipe off fingerprints. If you want to be extra sure you can't be traced, you rig all the evidence against you to go up in flames if anyone starts looking somewhere they shouldn't.
* There's a risk in being too obsessed with counter-surveillance. Spend your life paranoid, always looking for threats and it makes it easy for someone to find them for you. Pros call it "seeing ghosts".
* Like new parents, spies take preventative measures to ensure a safe environment. Only instead of baby-proofing cabinets and electrical sockets, they use more extreme methods. When you're creating an explosion to keep people back, you can't go halfway. It's never ideal, but for their own protection, you have to make sure they know you mean business. Then the only trick is to set it off without blowing everyone to kingdom come.
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