My name is Michael Westen. I used to be a spy until...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Burn Notice - Season 02 - Episode 16 Spy Tips & Tactics

Burn Notice Season 02 Episode 16 "Lesser Evil" was first aired last March 5, 2009 and below are the spy tips and tactics:

* The most dangerous time in any operation is just as everything is coming together. You never know whether you're about to get a pat on the back or a bullet to the back of the head. Of course, there's not much you can do but act like everything is fine.

Burn Notice - Season 02 - Episode 15 Spy Tips & Tactics

Burn Notice Season 02 Episode 15 "Sins of Omission" was first aired last February 26, 2009 and below are the spy tips and tactics:

* For a spy, compartmentalizing is second nature. Information is given on a need-to-know basis. In your professional life, this approach keeps you safe. In your personal life, it can be dangerous.

Burn Notice - Season 02 - Episode 14 Spy Tips & Tactics

Burn Notice Season 02 Episode 14 "Truth & Reconciliation" was first aired last February 19, 2009 and below are the spy tips and tactics:

* Bribery's a lot more difficult than it sounds. There's no way to shop around, so you usually overpay for whatever information you're after. There's no money-back guarantee if the information's bad. And, of course, the only thing that you know for sure is that you're handing your money to a thief and a liar.

Burn Notice - Season 02 - Episode 13 Spy Tips & Tactics

Burn Notice Season 02 Episode 13 "Bad Breaks" was first aired last February 12, 2009 and below are the spy tips and tactics:

* As a spy, you have a lot of ways to get information. You can get it with a gun. You can get it with a lock pick. You can get it with a listening device. But most often, more than all the other information-gathering techniques combined, you get information with a free lunch.

Burn Notice - Season 02 - Episode 12 Spy Tips & Tactics

Burn Notice Season 02 Episode 12 "Seek and Destroy" was first aired last February 5, 2009 and below are the spy tips and tactics:

* Getting information is all about fitting in. If you're hunting for intel in the Middle East, that means a beard and a djellaba. If you're doing it on South Beach, you're probably wearing a swimsuit and flip-flops.

Burn Notice - Season 02 - Episode 11 Spy Tips & Tactics

Burn Notice Season 02 Episode 11 "Hot Spot" was first aired last January 29, 2009 and below are the spy tips and tactics:

* When you work for an intelligence agency, you operate within an official structure. There's a chain of command to report to, protocols to be observed. No one questions their mission. But when you freelance, you don't have those luxuries. Getting your team on board may require some convincing.

Burn Notice - Season 02 - Episode 10 Spy Tips & Tactics

Burn Notice Season 02 Episode 10 "Do No Harm" was first aired last January 22, 2009 and below are the spy tips and tactics:

* When you're a spy, you learn to live with the idea of people wanting you dead, an old enemy, a dissatisfied employer, a disgruntled asset. Work long enough, and the line to kill you gets pretty long.