My name is Michael Westen. I used to be a spy until...

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Burn Notice - Season 03 - Episode 04 Spy Tips & Tactics

Burn Notice Season 03 Episode 04 "Fearless Leader" was first aired last June 25, 2009 and below are the spy tips and tactics:

* In any operation, whether it's sneaking into an embassy or collecting debts for a bookie, it's important to lay out a plan before you go into action. If you're going to disagree, it's best to get it out of the way before any shots are fired.

* For many operations, two-man teams are ideal -simple chain of command, easy to delegate responsibility, and little room for confusion. Of course, with a two-man team there's not a lot of margin for error. All it takes is a cop showing up at the wrong moment and the team ceases to exist.

* When you're being followed by the police, it's important to remember that having cops around is a problem for criminals, but it's an even bigger problem for a detective trying to remain inconspicuous on a stakeout.

* In any sort of operation, flirtation is always a tactical option. Romance is a powerful force and under the right circumstances, it can achieve your objective. Of course, not every circumstance is the right one.

* Finding a way into a criminal organization is about observing social dynamics. You start with a target. You're looking for just the right person to approach. People in the inner circle are usually too tough to go after. Anyone with real power is bound to be cautious. Drivers and bodyguards are easier but they usually don't have real access. You want someone with enough juice to be hungry for more, someone desperate to make a move. In short, you're looking for a frustrated middle manager.

* To the educated eye, a prison tells a story- where you did time, why you did time, and who you did it with. It's a little like a job résumé for criminals.

* Every kid who ever went to a new school knows the secret to fitting in- copy everyone else. Spies do the same thing- tailor their wardrobe, their movement and their behavior to imitate their targets. All the little things that say, "I'm your kind of guy."

* For a spy, knowing how to follow is at least as important as knowing how to lead. Sensitive operations often depend on knowing how hard to laugh at the boss's jokes.

* The lock on a cash register drawer is designed to keep it from pulling open. Whack it hard enough the other way, and it breaks.

* When a padlock's held on to a door frame by three-inch wood screws, it's no match for a dry-cleaning rack that can move 30,000 pounds of clothes.
* The sight of a fresh injury has a primal effect on people. If you really need to make a point, sometimes there's no substitute for a good shiner. It's never fun, but if that's what sells your story, it's worth a little pain.

* It's a challenge to place a bug on someone's body without them noticing. It helps if they always carry something you can reproduce- A phone, a watch or a pack of cigarettes. Then it's just a matter of planting it on them and hoping they keep ignoring the surgeon general until you get what you need.

* Building up an asset is a little like raising a kid- you can give him the tools to succeed but when the first day of school rolls around, they're on their own.

* Work in intelligence long enough and you get good at predicting human behavior but sometimes people surprise you.

* Superglue's cheap, quiet and powerful. Lay it on thick and force-dry it with canned air and you can cut bonding time to less than a minute.

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